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We are delighted to announce that this year Emma Wordsworth-Higham is the winner of the EFESO Management Consultants prize for Best Thesis of the year on the Cranfield School of Management Executive MSc in Logistics & Supply Chain Management.


Emma won the prize for her thesis An Investigation into Improving Vehicle Utilisation in a UK Fuel Distributor

The prize winner is selected from 35 students by the 2021 Cranfield School of Management Examination Board, and the panel is comprised of both internal and external examiners. ​

​Professor Alan Waller, OBE developed and established the MSc at Cranfield in 1980 as the first Masters' degree in Distribution/Logistics/Supply Chain in the world, and he directed the programme for 7 years.​

​There are now over 200 MSc students from around the world on this year’s full-time and Executive programmes.  Cranfield is independently ranked as number 1 outside the US for Supply Chain Management.​

​Alan has been awarding this prize through EFESO since 2002, prior to that the prize was awarded through PwC where Alan was a Partner.​

We offer Emma our heartfelt congratulations and wish her the very best for the future!