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  • Accelerate  Progression

    Accelerate Progression

    Achieve significant short- and long-term results by establishing an operational excellence system

  • Accelerate  Progression

    Accelerate Progression

    Achieve significant short- and long-term results by establishing an operational excellence system

Accelerate Sustainable Progression

The world is moving at a rapid pace and evolving continuously. Every day new opportunities emerge that help us to do business differently and better. The speed of progression, meaning the speed at which you manage to convert the most relevant improvement opportunities into tangible results, becomes the differentiator between top and average, between survivor and casualty.

Accelerating Progression therefore becomes a key imperative for every business, and every unit within a business.

When we ask CXO-levels if they feel they are progressing fast enough, we systematically receive the frustrated answer of “Not at all”.

Accelerating Progression is first about choosing the adequate Progression mode. Progression modes can basically be divided into two categories:

  • Transformation mode: progression where you significantly change the framework in which you are operating
  • Optimization mode: progression where you aim to reap all the potential within a given framework

Both these progression modes have their advantages and disadvantages. They have different levels of potential and risk and require different resources, both in terms of quality and quantity. Also, their time windows are different.

Yet, it is amazing to see the lack of thought and reflection given when choosing a progression mode.

You have Serial Transformers, who jump from one transformation to the next, without ever really reaching solid and anchored results, but exhausting their resources. You have Endless Optimizers, who at a certain point miss significant structural switches. And then there are the Tumultuous Mixers, where transformation and optimization projects paralyze and destroy each other?

Many companies totally lack a Progression Strategy: a formal and balanced way in which to choose an appropriate progression mode for specific parts of the business and for specific timeframes. The right progression mode will balance ambition with reality, risks against results, returns against resources. It is one of the backbones of getting from strategy to results.

Bruno Machiels


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Accelerating Sustainable Progression has become a must have for every company. A company progressing faster than its clients and competitors is future proof by design.

and Build
short cycles
continuous improvement

Dynamics to accelerate progression

Accelerating Progression is also about leveraging three basic dynamics that we capture under the acronym PHD2:

  • Process Dynamics: ensuring flows of activities adapt to new requirements and possibilities.
  • Human Dynamics: ensuring people adopt new ways of thinking and acting.
  • DigiTech Dynamics: taking advantage of the innovative opportunities brought by exploiting better data with all types of new Digital technologies (Analytics, AI, Robotics, AR/VR, …

Missing one of these three dynamics automatically lowers the speed of Progression, or worse, leads to unstable progression that backfires at the worst possible moment.

Improving your RESULTS TODAY

Progression must always be sustainable. Ensuring Sustainable Progression starts right at the beginning, when you determine the results that you want to achieve. Essential for sustainability is balancing:

  • Results today: tangible performance improvement in the short term (boost angle)
  • Results tomorrow: investment in the processes, capabilities, assets, … to ensure you will continue to realize target results in the medium/long term (build angle)

It is not only about generating results quickly, it is also about moving the Company in the direction where it will be able to generate results tomorrow.

A company progressing faster than its clients and competitors is future proof by design.