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Growth capability assessment for a strategic business unit of a forest industry company to grow revenues by 60 M€ over 3 years

Client situation & approach

Over the next 3 years, the client wants to grow revenue and EBITDA. It also wants to improve business resilience, offer efficiency and sustainability, as well as change the way of working to be more proactive instead of only reacting to competitors' actions.

Its objectives were to:

  • Gain buy-in on a single growth agenda
  • Increase revenue over the next 3 years by 60 M€ and EBITDA by 20 M€
  • Prioritize important capabilities needed to deliver on growth objectives and
  • Develop a plan for gap-closing on prioritized improvement activities including timeline

EFESO supported by:

  • Identifying, defining, and quantifying key growth opportunities and gathering of data
  • Carrying out and facilitating a web-based self-assessment and joint review sessions
  • Coaching of Gap-closure by the analysis of results, identification of critical gaps and definition of gap closure activities
  • Developing a Growth Excellence action plan and gaining handshake on that action plan from Stakeholder


  • In total, 14 focused Growth opportunities were highlighted which amount to a total contribution to an annual run-rate increase of 65 M€ top line
  • The Growth impact analysis helped select 11 critical capability gaps: 3 fundamental and 8 step changes
  • Roadmap developed for gap-closing 2020-2023
  • Progression plan structured according to capabilities and with a quarterly time frame
  • EFESO recommended a phase of a few weeks of detailed preparation before the execution of the progression plan for the coming 3-year period