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WCOM™ implementation in an electrical company with Operational Cost reduction of EUR 8-10 m

Supporting progression of the 3 Companies along the dimensions of strategy, operational performance and people.

Situation at the start

This Group integrates 3 Companies teaming-up to make the shareholder dream happen: develop and apply all key elements of a new superconductive technology though the value chain. The first Company develops and manufactures superconductive conductors (high tech cables) with a proprietary game-changing technology. The second Company develops and builds superconductive magnets for nuclear physics laboratories and healthcare applications, also based on conductors delivered by the first Company. The third Company integrates a magnet delivered by the second Company into a revolutionary Open Magnetic Resonance equipment appreciated by hospitals and research centres. While business is growing, the technologies mastered by the Group are not mature yet, and applications continue to evolve, requiring the 3 Companies to find a way to balance profitability, strategic focus, industrialization and improvement on performance, and capability development.

The challenge

How to support the progression of the 3 Companies along the dimensions of strategy, operational performance and people, combining short-term results with longer term sustainability?

The goal

In tandem with EFESO Management Consultants , shareholders and senior management conceived and executed a 2-year Global Performance Program to sustain the overall progression of the Group, combining levers for strategy optimization, profitability improvement, technology and product maturity, operational excellence through the value chain, organizational and people development.

Putting strategy into action

« Boosting performance by acting on Value, Flow, Asset and People dynamics»

Together with EFESO Management Consultants , the Global Performance Program was developed and executed, by means of a number of streams, including but not limited to the following:

1 – Advanced Problem Solving leveraging on young resources

  • Operational Excellence is a subject that is relevant to top management and requires involvement and support from that top management during implementation.

2 – Decide on the best approach

  • A Green Belt Lean-6sigma program across the 3 Companies was implemented to couple the resolution of a large number of technology/product issues with a training plan on advanced DMAIC techniques. Young people improved their motivation and expertise, and senior management gained a thorough view on high potentials.

2– Cross-functional integration and Projects performances

  • Execution of projects and cross-functional coordination was improved by introducing Program Management Office techniques and by implementing improvement approaches including Lean Design, Design to Cost, Risk management, Reporting & Control and soft Change management. A new organization to enhance project performance was rolled-out.

3– Should Cost

  • The cost competitiveness of key products was aligned to market expectations by implementing cross-functional and synergic optimization of requirements, functions, design, industrialization, production and service.

4 – Manufacturing Excellence

  • Culture, engagement and performance in production were changed by combining kaizen and WCM approaches, expanding initial successes and convincing all people through results.

5 – Procurement Excellence

  • Evolved mission and approaches were introduced to change supplier strategies, procurement integration with engineering and production, and relationship with suppliers. Optimization of external spend has been the major contributor to the Program payback in the short term.

6 – Quality improvement

  • New analytical capabilities were introduced and the overall process was reshaped in the perspective of Quality through the value chain and contribution to product maturity.

Deliver concrete results

« Improving your results today, securing your results for tomorrow »

The Global Performance Program made the Group more robust and competitive, improving the value delivered to shareholder and clients while setting the base for the future.

« EFESO, a new consulting experience »